I feel I must explain

My blog title. It comes from the book "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis.

When the children have come into the world of Narnia and met the kindly Mr. and Mrs. Beaver (quite literally talking beavers, for those who haven't read the books), they are told about the great and powerful lion called Aslan, the true king of Narnia. Susan, the oldest girl, is quite afraid of lions, and proceeds to ask "Is he safe?"

To this, the wise Mr. Beaver replies "He's a lion. Of course he's not safe. But he's good."

You may or may not know that the Chronicles of Narnia are a more than obvious alagory for the life and some of the teachings of Jesus. This line is both literary genius and profound theological truth. (I find that most anything C.S. Lewis says is, also).

Following Jesus may not, and indeed will not be, the safe choice in life. But the goodness of God will, in the end, be more than enough reward for the choice. So my title is both a philisophical announcement to my readers of my beliefs, as well as a reminder for myself.

God promises that I will not always be safe, but that it will always work toward good.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's been a long time since I smelled beautiful

first- name that movie.
Second- I would apologize for taking so long to post again, but I don't have that many followers. AND i've been insanely busy.
First, I am pretty sure that all of my teachers had a super secret meeting and decided that they would all assign group projects. Which, of course, I HATE with the fire of a thousand suns.
THEN, they clearly decided on this too quickly and needed somthing else to talk about, and decided that they would all have something ridiculously large related to the percentage of my grade due on the same day. That day was thursday.
And then one teacher, on the way out of the super secret evil villain teacher meeting said "hey, if we made her really sick, it'd be funny."
so they did.
As a result of thursday, there is now a history test that I know I failed, a teacher who may respect me a little less for skipping his class, and a class of 3rd graders at Murray elementary who think i'm the most boring PE teacher ever. And the saddest thing is, they may be right.
It's a good thing I got paid, or this week would have been a total wash.
Thank the lord that it's over.

As it so happens- things like this just make me miss my friends even more. I haven't seen some in over a week that are here in LA, and others I can't see because they're literally on the other side of the planet. And I kinda miss my mom and her penchant for making the food that I like best when I'm upset.

And just in case I needed something else to feel heavy about, a really good family friend died this week from a massive stroke. He was in his 70's and not in the greatest health, so it's not SUPER surprising, but his wife and his 4 daughters will miss him terribly. And I was quite fond of him.

All of these things are hard to process when one is sick like me. IE- green nastiness in the sinuses and lungs, random and short-but-intense sinus headaches, and a hinky stomach for the first few days of this madness.

And now that this is all over, what is left is slight boredom (nothing on hulu and a lull in studies) and anxiety. I find out if I am an R.A. on monday. Which would be both a little disappointing (because it would mean that I cannot, in fact, go abroad in the fall) and incredibly amazing since they pay for your room and board if you do get a position.

All this is to say- Pray for me. please. and thank you.

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